AI/ML Monitoring

Drift & Bias Detection
Monitor Data Drift, Target Drift and Model Bias at user-defined frequencies to ensure model stability. With Giggso, get model bias evaluated with 5 robust metrices. Obtain detailed reports for all drift & bias runs with drilldowns on every feature.
Improved Performance
Enhance your performance by detecting and addressing bias and drift in models, reducing costs and increasing revenue.
Reduced Risk
By enabling timely drift and bias checks, businesses can ensure compliance with thus reducing the risk of scrutiny of regulators.
Improved Efficiency
Improve the efficiency of operations by offering reliable predictions as an outcome of fair ML models.
Increased trust
Implementing drift and bias detection in model monitoring increases public trust in the outcomes of your models in production.
Improved compliance
Champion regulatory compliance by simply subjecting your model to continuous monitoring and ensuring quick remediation of model drifts.
Prolong your model life
Gain visibility into model performance and maintain model stability by allowing re-training or deployment of new models when a bias/drift is detected.

Automated Alerts
Get real-time alerts to Giggso groups and other shared apps for every monitoring run detailing the incidents, their cause and retraining recommendations. Directly access triaging actions from run alerts allowing easy collaboration.
Reduced manual effort
Reduce the manual effort required to monitor models and free up resources for other tasks.
Faster detection
Identify model issues at a faster rate than manual monitoring and resolve them before they cause impact.
Increased transparency
Enable clear visibility into how models are performing increasing model transparency and trust.
Improved efficiency
Reduce time taken to detect and respond to key model changes, enabling quicker and more proactive decision-making.
Cost savings
Compared to manual model monitoring, save time and money with less resources.
Increased customer satisfaction
Increase customer satisfaction by facilitating quicker responses and better judgment.
Performance Metrics
Enable performance monitoring in simple steps with multiple user input options to evaluate model performance KPIs with full range of model serving statistics. Compare key statistics to thresholds that enable quickly identification and correction of problems like model decay.
Improved visibility into your models
Get a better understanding of how well your models are performing and identify areas where improvements can be made, to operate more efficiently.
Improved accuracy
Identify and address potential issues with your models, enabling you to improve accuracy and reduce false positives or negatives.
Early detection and prevention
Detect and prevent model decay before your models become obsolete thus saving your time and money.
Enhanced transparency
Stakeholders can monitor the performance of models in real-time and make sure they are up to par using performance metrics.
Reduced costs
Identify areas where models are underperforming and help to reduce costs associated with model maintenance and updates.
Maintain post-production SLA’s
Monitor and track potential SLA violations and resolve them to assure SLA compliance.